Triple Tag


Written on Thursday, June 26, 2008 by Ennah, the comsci student

I was tagged by Beena, Marvz and Charmdestiny so I really think I should put it in my blog.

blog readability test

Here are the rules: 1. Check out your Blog Readability Test here then post it.
2. (OPTIONAL) Stop asking yourself regarding the results of the test (LOL!)
3. Add your blog from the list together with the results.
4. Tag as many friends you like.

1.Big Eyed Gal - High School 2. The Chronic Shopper - Elementary 3. Vital Sighs - Genius 4. Princess Vien - High School 5. Em’s Detour - Junior High School 6. Strawberrygurl and Busy Mom - Elementary 7. Reflexes snapshots of life (on manillapaper) - Junior High School 8. expressions and thoughts - Genius 9. our family story - College (Undergrad) 10. MOMEMO - Genius 11. Blessings and Beyond - Genius 12. Charmdestiny - Genius 13. Adventures of a Comsci Student - College (UnderGrad)

And I'm tagging everyone in my link list! =D

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